The 21-Day Habit Pro App: Revolutionize Your Routine

The 21-Day Habit Pro App: Revolutionize Your Routine


Are you looking to change your habits? Do you feel as though you're stuck in a repetitive cycle with no improvement in your lifestyle? Don't worry! We've got you covered. As part of the ongoing Appwrite Hackathon, my buddy(Akansh Choudhary)and I(Harsh Sharma)created a life-changing app that will assist you in setting your daily goals and getting your life back on track. #Appwrite #AppwriteHackathon

Overview of Habit Pro

Drawing inspiration from the well-known adage that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, Habit Pro is a revolutionary app designed to help users develop and maintain new or customized habits, such as exercise routines, sleep schedules, and self-care rituals. By providing a systematic approach to habit formation, our app aims to empower individuals to take control of their lives and make lasting, positive changes.

At the core of Habit Pro's mission is the belief that everyone deserves a better lifestyle and improved health. To achieve this, our app offers a wide range of features that enable users to learn new habits, replace detrimental ones, and ultimately, create a more balanced and fulfilling life. By guiding users through a 21-day journey of habit formation, Habit Pro provides the necessary structure and support to ensure lasting success.

With a user-friendly interface and customizable habit options, our app is designed to cater to the unique needs and preferences of each individual, ensuring a personalized experience that leads to real, lasting change.

Importance of habit formation

Why we came up with this particular app idea? Habits greatly impact your life, with over 40% of daily actions being unconscious habits rather than conscious decisions. They grow stronger over time and are crucial due to the neurological cravings they create, as certain behaviors release "pleasure" chemicals in the brain, reinforcing the habit. Cultivating the right habits is essential.

21-day concept

According to neurological studies, it has been determined that forming a habit requires at least 21 days of consistent repetition. Moreover, if you continue this behavior for an additional 90 days, it can become a permanent habit.

Habits can initially be challenging to establish. However, once they become ingrained in your behavior, they are difficult to change. Consider the word "HABIT": if you remove the "H," "a bit" remains. If you remove the "a," a "bit" still lingers. Finally, when you remove the "b," "IT" persists.

Human behavior is largely influenced by learned habits. The strong allure a smoker feels towards a cigarette is simply a habit. Many smokers claim that not smoking leads to constipation or headaches, but medically, these symptoms are irrelevant and insignificant. It all comes down to habit.

Sometimes, it can be a real struggle to attempt everything on our own. Behind every hero, there is always a support group. Fortunately for you, that support group is Habit Pro :)

Tech Stack

  • Flutter Framework (Language used - Dart): Flutter is a cross-platform framework used for building mobile applications. It offers a single codebase that can be deployed on both iOS and Android platforms, providing a seamless and consistent user experience.

  • Appwrite Authentication: Appwrite Auth is used as the authentication mechanism for the app, providing secure user authentication and authorization features.

  • Firebase Firestore Database: Firebase Firestore is a NoSQL cloud-based database that offers real-time data synchronization and offline support. It is used in the app to store and retrieve data efficiently.

  • OpenAI Chat Completion API: The OpenAI Chat Completion API is utilized in the project to enhance the app's capabilities in generating dynamic and context-aware responses within chat or messaging features.

Integration to Appwrite

In our project, we have implemented Appwrite authentication to ensure secure access for our users. Appwrite provides a comprehensive authentication system that supports various authentication methods, offering flexibility and convenience. Here are the different types of authentication we have incorporated:

  1. Email & Password Auth: With Appwrite, users can create an account by providing their email address and setting a password. This authentication method allows users to securely log in to our app using their registered email and password combination.

  2. Anonymous Auth: Appwrite also supports anonymous authentication, enabling users to access certain features of our app without the need for explicit registration or providing personal information. This allows users to explore and engage with the app anonymously, ensuring a smooth and frictionless experience.

  3. Google Auth: We have integrated Google authentication using Appwrite, allowing users to log in to our app using their Google credentials. This streamlined process enables users with existing Google accounts to seamlessly access our platform without the need for separate login credentials.

  4. GitHub Auth: Appwrite's authentication system includes GitHub authentication, which enables users to log in to our app using their GitHub account. By leveraging this authentication method, we provide an additional option for users who prefer to authenticate through their GitHub profiles.

By leveraging the Appwrite authentication system and incorporating these various authentication methods, we prioritize user convenience, security, and accessibility. This ensures that users can authenticate and access our app using their preferred authentication method, fostering a positive user experience while maintaining the necessary security measures.


Habit categories

This app provides six in-built habits for the user to inculcate:

  • Exercise

  • Study

  • No Junk Food

  • Sleep

  • Happiness

  • Positive Mindset

Custom Habit creation

In Habit Pro, we believe in empowering users to create their unique habits, design personalized tasks, and tailor their experiences to suit their individual needs. Our app offers a range of customizable features that allow users to take control of their habits and create a personalized journey toward their goals.

The best feature of Habit Pro is that it will not allow you to go on to the next day's assignment if the current day's task is not completed. This prevents you from skipping over chores and only completing those that are easy for you.

AI-Generated Task creation

When users provide their custom habit name and description, along with their gender, our system utilizes this information to create a tailored prompt. This prompt serves as the foundation for generating 21 personalized tasks that resonate with the user's specific habit.

Using the power of the OpenAI Chat Completion API, our algorithm takes into account the user's input and generates a diverse range of tasks that align with their identified habit. These tasks are designed to be relevant, engaging, and customized to suit the user's unique requirements.

21 days Habit Making Challenge

Our app recognizes the significance of the 21-day mark as a commonly referenced period for habit development. With our systematic approach, users are guided through a series of daily tasks and prompts that align with their desired habit. By engaging in these tasks consistently over 21 days, users can effectively create positive changes in their routines and solidify new habits.

Future Developments

New features

  1. Better Statistical Representation of Habit Progression: In order to offer users a deeper understanding of their habit development journey, we are working on implementing improved statistical representations. Through enhanced data visualization, users will gain clearer insights into their progress, allowing them to track their habits more effectively and make informed decisions for continuous improvement. By providing comprehensive statistics, such as completion rates, streaks, and trends over time, users can monitor their habits' progression and identify areas for adjustment or celebration.

  2. Social Engagement: Recognizing the importance of social support and accountability in habit formation, we are excited to introduce a social engagement feature. Users will have the option to connect with friends, family, or like-minded individuals within the app's community. This feature will enable users to share their habit goals, achievements, and challenges, fostering a supportive and motivating environment. By engaging in discussions, offering encouragement, and celebrating each other's successes, users can stay inspired, motivated, and connected on their habit-building journey.

Expansion to other platforms

We are excited to announce that our app will soon be available on additional platforms, including iOS and the Microsoft Play Store. This expansion will allow more users to access our app and enjoy its features and benefits.

Furthermore, we are considering offering our app as part of the OpenAI subscription, providing users with a convenient way to access our app alongside other valuable tools and services offered by OpenAI.


Summary of Habit Pro's benefits

In conclusion, our app offers a comprehensive set of features designed to empower individuals in their journey toward building positive habits and achieving personal growth. With six distinct habit categories, users have a diverse range of areas to focus on, catering to their unique interests and goals.

The ability to create custom habits provides users with the flexibility to design habits that align with their specific needs and aspirations. Whether it's daily exercise, mindfulness practices, or learning new skills, users have the freedom to tailor their habits to suit their individual preferences.

With the innovative AI-generated task creation feature, users can effortlessly generate personalized tasks that complement their chosen habits. This intelligent system takes into account user inputs and generates relevant and engaging tasks that support habit development and progression.

The 21-Day Habit-Making Challenge is a powerful feature that provides a structured framework for users to establish new habits. By committing to this challenge, users embark on a focused and guided journey towards habit formation, with each day presenting new opportunities for growth and progress.

By combining these features, our app empowers users to take control of their habits and create positive changes in their lives. Whether it's improving physical health, mental well-being, productivity, or personal development, our app serves as a valuable tool for individuals striving to achieve their goals.

We are committed to providing a seamless and user-friendly experience, ensuring that our app becomes an integral part of users' daily routines. Through habit formation and sustained practice, we believe that everyone has the power to unlock their full potential and lead a more fulfilling life.

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Demo Video

#Appwrite #AppwriteHackathon #Hashnode
